Discounts When You Bundle Your Homeowners Insurance

Chances are you have seen insurance advertisements that suggest bundling your homeowner’s insurance policies. Perhaps you’re curious what makes bundling insurance policies so appealing. Is it actually possible to save money on your homeowners insurance by bundling with other policies? Although there are many benefits of bundling your homeowner’s insurance, there are several factors to remember before deciding whether or not to do so.

The decision to bundle your insurance plans should not be taken lightly. Most insurance providers give discounts for bundling policies. However, before switching your auto and homeowner’s insurance or considering a new insurer, there are several other factors to consider in addition to the bundling discount.

First thing, you will want to see whether you will actually save money through bundling policies. Also, you will want to make a list of any differences from your existing coverage. Then, shop around for the right plan and price for your situation. You should also be prepared to negotiate with the providers to ensure that your coverage matches your needs and budget.

What Is Bundling? 

Bundling in the insurance industry refers to purchasing several lines of insurance coverage from the same insurer. This could cover things like the mortgage insurance, auto insurance, and life insurance, among other things. Instead of finding several insurers under each policy, you use the same one for all of them. Since certain insurers give incentives for having multiple plans with them, this can make it easier to pay premiums on a monthly basis or save money.

The Advantages of Bundling Insurance Policies


When you buy several policies from the same insurance company, you usually get a discount. You will have to do some research because the amount of money you might save varies depending on the insurance provider. The question now is whether you will save more money by buying multiple policies from the same insurer (and getting a discount) or by getting your insurance policies from separate providers after choosing the best rates on each. 


You just have to deal with one insurer if you buy your insurance policies from the same insurance company. There might also be a way to pay for all coverages on a single account. This reduces the number of bills to keep track of. Also, if you are faced with a loss that hurts both your home and your vehicle, you have the ability to file a single claim. You will need to check the details of each insurance policy you’re considering of course. However, there might be certain features that will make life simpler for you.

The Insurance Company May Have a Single Deductible Requirement.

Your deductible is the fee you have to pay in the event of a claim being filed. The remaining amount of the claim is paid by the insurance company (up to the contract limit). So, if you had a $4,500 loss and a $1,000 premium, you would be required to pay $1,000 and the insurance company would pay $3,500. 

Home and auto insurance deductibles are separate. Imagine that you are in the middle of a horrible storm and a tree falls on your house and a branch lands on your car. If you haven’t bundled your policies, you will have to pay for your home and auto insurance deductibles separately.

If you decide to bundle your policies, the insurance provider will only require you to pay a single deductible rather than both. However, if one is set higher than the other, you will almost definitely have to pay the higher deductible. It’s best to consult with the provider you’re considering to determine whether this is something they offer. 

You Can Bundle More than Just Your Home and Auto Policies.

Why not have life insurance as well? Depending on the insurer and their coverage options, you will be able to combine homeowners, auto, life, and other insurance policies. You will also be able to keep track of how much money you are spending.

Renters Can Bundle, Too!

Not a homeowner? No issue at all. You can also bundle your auto and rental insurance policies. Bear in mind, though, that the discount you might earn could be less than the savings you’d see from homeowner’s insurance because the renters’ insurance is less costly. 

How Do Home Insurance Discounts Work?

Certain homeowner insurance discounts are applied after you purchase a mortgage insurance policy. Others go into effect when and if you either change or update your homeowner’s policy. 

If you purchase a new policy, definitely check your insurer’s information about any offers you may be eligible for. Don’t be scared to contact an insurance agent if you’re unsure whether you qualify for a discount. Common discounts that are offered when you buy coverage include a home and auto bundle and a new homeowners discount.

When you have home insurance, you don’t have to wait to renew your policies for discounts. You can contact the home insurance provider and send them home renovation documents and receipts in situations such as a new roof or surveillance device. Most offer discounts for home improvements, “going green,” and installing security features. 

There are also policy-level discounts that can occur over time. For example, if you have kept the same plan in effect for years and have not made any claims, you would be eligible for a loyalty offer or a claim-free discount. That’s why it’s prudent to consult with the insurance company at least for renewal, even if you have done minimal – if any – research.

Based on a 2021 review of home insurance discount premiums, new homeowner discounts save you more than bundling policies. However, when it comes to bundling policies, you’re not purchasing a new home and you likely already own a car. One of the best deals you can get is an average of 18 percent by bundling. Your savings would largely depend on variables like the kind of home you own, where you live, the insurance provider, etc. An insurer will usually give you a multi-policy discount when you start your policy or start bundling various types of insurance.

How Much Can Bundling Save You?

These are the national auto insurance averages when you bundle with various types of homeowner’s policies:

Type of PolicyBundled RateAnnual SavingsSavings %
Condo $1,460$1709.6%
Life Insurance$1,595$352%

Bundled discounts vary based on the agency and region. Bundling your homeowners’ insurance with a condo, apartment, or life insurance policies will save you more money no matter where you live. Why is there such a big gap between different policies? Insurance providers are not the only ones to profit from bundling two insurance policies. Bundled policyholders are also more likely to renew their contracts. Also, homeowners make fewer claims on their auto insurance policies.

Most insurance providers will offer you a discount if you bundle your auto and home insurance plans together. For example, when you bundle your auto and home insurance policies, Travelers Insurance provides discounts of up to 13 percent on your auto insurance policy and up to 15 percent on your home insurance policy. Customers who bundle homeowners and auto insurance are saving, on average, 20 percent. Your homeowners or auto insurance rates can be higher or lower based on where you live compared to other parts of the country.

Bundling Your Home and Auto Insurance Policies

Many insurance companies provide a break to policyholders if they merge their home and auto insurance policies. For example, if you have a State Farm car insurance policy and add a homeowner insurance policy, State Farm will give you a $825 rebate on your annual home insurance premium. You can see how much of a discount you can get by bundling homeowners and auto insurance policies with various insurance providers. 

Insurance CompanyDiscount to Homeowners Premium for Bundling Home + Auto
Amicaup to 15%
Nationwideup to 20%
State Farmup to 22%
USAAup to 9%
Progressiveup to 10%
Farmersup to 10%
Travelersup to 13%

You Can Bundle More Than Home and Auto Insurance Policies

While most customers are bundling their home and auto insurance policies, there are other types of policies that can be bundles. Multi-policy discounts can also be applied on different kinds of insurance policies offered by the same insurer.

If they are available, you will be eligible to bundle the following insurance policies depending on the insurer:

  • Auto Insurance
  • Homeowners Insurance
  • Renters Insurance
  • Motorcycle Insurance
  • RV Insurance
  • Life Insurance

AIG, for example, provides benefits to policyholders who combine their home insurance premiums with floater policies for personal goods, such as artwork. If the annual property-specific premium reaches $12,000, homeowners who package AIG policies are eligible for a discount of up to 12%.

Things to Consider When Bundling Insurance Companies

Make sure that you still have enough coverage.

When you plan to bundle, make sure you have enough coverage for both homeowners and auto policies. Always read the rules to make sure you know what is and isn’t excluded. If your house is ruined by fire, you’ll need adequate home insurance to fully repair it, covering expenses such as construction supplies and contractors’ labor. You’ll need money to cover your debt in order to replace all of your possessions.

Make sure you are receiving all of your insurance policies from the same insurer and not a third-party provider.

Some companies will go to a third-party provider to procure one of the coverage policies for you. Although the coverages will always be “bundled,” you’d be working with two independent firms. And it might negate the intention of bundling, which is meant to offer ease.

Shop Around.

Bundling your insurance premiums will save you money, and it almost definitely will. However, this isn’t an absolute guarantee. You will also be able to save money on your premiums by buying your home and auto insurance plans separately. You should shop around to determine which solution is better for you. Also, don’t forget to compare insurance quotes and offers for bundled policies because discounts vary between companies. 

Pro tip: When looking for policies, make sure to note all coverages options and the cost of each plan. When matching policies, make sure you’re comparing apples to apples and don’t skimp on coverage.

When Bundling, Remember the Following

Discount amounts can be capped. 

You’ve heard about all of the deals mentioned above and are mentally adding them up. The bad news is that most insurers have a cap on the overall percentage of discounts you will earn. The discount limit varies by insurance policy, but in some circumstances, it may be as high as 30% to 40%.

Not everyone gets the “up to” amount. 

On insurance websites, you can see that a discount saves “up to” a specified dollar amount. However, that amount is not open to all. The highest savings potential will be valid only to those who follow requirements, such as homeowners with excellent credit who have not filed any claims in the past five years. The size of your discount will be determined by your homeowner profile, your venue, and your insurance provider.

Discounts vary by state and insurance company. 

Not all discounts are valid in every state or from every insurance provider. When reading, double check for a list of which states are either included or omitted in the small print of several carrier websites’ discount pages. For instance, one insurance provider might give you a discount for living in a gated neighborhood, and another might not.

Getting lots of discounts doesn’t always mean you’re paying the lowest price. 

Remember that discount offers do not eliminate the need to look around for insurance coverage on a regular basis. You can find that a homeowners insurance provider who only provides a few discounts will offer you a lower average premium price. So, having deals is awesome yes, but at the end of the day, the cost of your premium is ultimately what matters most. An organization with a lower base price and less discounts may be able to outperform one with a higher average premium but more discounts.

The Takeaway

Bundling your home and car insurance will help you save money on your premiums. 

  • If you buy and bundle different insurance plans with one company, you will be eligible for discounts. 
  • Bundling your home and car insurance premiums will save you up to 25% or more, depending on the provider. 
  • Bundling insurance plans simplifies the payment process by consolidating several payments into one, making it easy to keep track of the rates. 
  • Aside from the obvious advantages, combining home and auto insurance is not necessarily the most cost-effective choice.

Bundling deals is the recommended choice if you want to save money on your insurance premiums. This not only saves you money on your premium, but it also simplifies the payment process. When you package your insurance premiums, though, you sacrifice some flexibility in terms of shopping for better deals and customizing your plans. Comparing plans from various companies is the easiest way to decide if bundling can truly save you money.